Large, strong, very good conformation, should have a little more black overall, strong head, high withers, very good topline, pronounced sloping croup, which should be a little longer, very good angulations in forequarters and hindquarters, balanced chest ratios, correct front, fluid movement. TSB present.
Koer Report Other Language
Groß, kräftig, sehr gutes Gebäudeverhältnis, sollte insgesamt etwas mehr Schwarzanteile haben, kräftiger Kopf, hoher Widerrist, sehr gute Rückenlinie, betont geneigte Kruppe, die etwas länger sein sollte, sehr gute Winkelungen in Vor- und Hinterhand, ausgeglichene Brustverhältnisse, korrekte Front, flüssiges Gangwerk. TSB vorhanden.
Large, strong, very good conformation, should have a little more black overall, strong head, high withers, very good topline, pronounced sloping croup, which should be a little longer, very good angulations in forequarters and hindquarters, balanced chest ratios, correct front, fluid movement. TSB present.