Large, strong, well-proportioned female with good nobility. Excellent lines, very good angulations in fore and hindquarters, very good chest proportions, correct front. Goes front and back correctly. Very wide-reaching movement, in which she is completely balanced. Drift, Self-assurance, Expressed resilience, dissolves on command.
1. Special qualities: Harmoniously built female with a lot of nobility.
2. Recommendations: For all males that fit in the bloodline.
Large, strong, well-proportioned female with good nobility. Excellent lines, very good angulations in fore and hindquarters, very good chest proportions, correct front. Goes front and back correctly. Very wide-reaching movement, in which she is completely balanced. Drift, Self-assurance, Expressed resilience, dissolves on command.
1. Special qualities: Harmoniously built female with a lot of nobility.
2. Recommendations: For all males that fit in the bloodline.