Large, strong, expressive, dry and firm. Normal withers, firm, straight back, croup should be longer with normal position, rear very good, front well angulated, rear and front straight stepping, correct front position, balanced chest ratios, straight front, very good gait. Secure nature, TSB present.
Koer Report Other Language
Groß, kräftig, ausdrucksvoll, trocken und fest. Normaler Widerrist, fester, gerader Rücken, Kruppe sollte bei normaler Lage länger sein, hinten sehr gut, vorne gut gewinkelt, hinten und vorne gerade tretend, korrekte Frontstellung, ausgeglichene Brustverhältnisse, gerade Front, sehr gute Gänge. Sicheres Wesen, TSB vorhanden.
Large, strong, expressive, dry and firm. Normal withers, firm, straight back, croup should be longer with normal position, rear very good, front well angulated, rear and front straight stepping, correct front position, balanced chest ratios, straight front, very good gait. Secure nature, TSB present.