Large, powerful, full of content, correct building proportions, good overall strength, strong, expressive head, pronounced withers, straight back, correctly laid croup, balanced chest proportions, straight front, good forequarters, very good angulation of the hindquarters, straight gait, powerful hindquarters with good forward drive. Character secure, TSB pronounced; does not let off.
Koer Report Other Language
Groß, kraft-, gehaltvoll, korrekte Gebäudeverhältnisse, gute Gesamtfestigkeit, kräftiger, ausdrucksvoller Kopf, ausgeprägter Widerrist, gerader Rücken, richtig gelagerte Kruppe, ausgewogene Brustverhältnisse, gerade Front, gute Vor-, sehr gute Winkelung der Hinterhand, geradetretend, kraftvoller Nachschub mit gutem Vortritt. Wesen sicher, TSB ausgeprägt; läßt nicht ab.
Large, powerful, full of content, correct building proportions, good overall strength, strong, expressive head, pronounced withers, straight back, correctly laid croup, balanced chest proportions, straight front, good forequarters, very good angulation of the hindquarters, straight gait, powerful hindquarters with good forward drive. Character secure, TSB pronounced; does not let off.