Over-medium size, medium strong, solid, masculine general appearance, much charisma, deep black color over the back, very good building conditions, prominent head (stud like), high withers in the stand and the movement, straight, firm back, good length and position of the croup, very good forehand structure, very well angulated hindquarters, straight front lines, balanced chest conditions, far-reaching, clear gait from firm back. Secure nature, TSB pronounced.
Over-medium size, medium strong, solid, masculine general appearance, much charisma, deep black color over the back, very good building conditions, prominent head (stud like), high withers in the stand and the movement, straight, firm back, good length and position of the croup, very good forehand structure, very well angulated hindquarters, straight front lines, balanced chest conditions, far-reaching, clear gait from firm back. Secure nature, TSB pronounced.