A large, well-built, medium-strength, dry and firm male dog with very good building conditions. He has a very good expression and is very well pigmented. High, long withers, straight, firm back and the croup has a good length and position. The male is well-angulated in front and very well-angulated behind, with balanced chest proportions and a straight front. When walking straight, he shows very powerful, very ground-covering gaits with good elevation. Confident nature, pronounced TSB.
Koer Report Other Language
Großer, gehaltvoller, mittelkräftiger, trocken und fester Rüde mit sehr guten Gebäudeverhältnissen. Er hat einen sehr guten Ausdruck und ist sehr gut pigmentiert. Hoher, langer Widerrist, gerader, fester Rücken und die Kruppe hat eine gute Länge und Lage. Vorne ist der Rüde gut und hinten sehr gut gewinkelt, ausgeglichene Brustverhältnisse, gerade Front. Gerade tretend zeigt er sehr kraftvolle, sehr raumgreifende Gänge bei guter Erhabenheit. Sicheres Wesen, TSB ausgeprägt.
A large, well-built, medium-strength, dry and firm male dog with very good building conditions. He has a very good expression and is very well pigmented. High, long withers, straight, firm back and the croup has a good length and position. The male is well-angulated in front and very well-angulated behind, with balanced chest proportions and a straight front. When walking straight, he shows very powerful, very ground-covering gaits with good elevation. Confident nature, pronounced TSB.